
+----------+                    +----------+
|          |    +----------+    |          |
| Producer |--->|  Buffer  |--->| Consumer |
|          |    +----------+    |          |
+----------+                    +----------+
  • The producer puts objects into a shared buffer.
  • The consumer takes them out.
  • There must be a synchronisation to coordinate between the producer and the consumer.
  • The producer and the consumer should not need to work in lock step; there is a fixed-size buffer between them.
    • The access to this buffer must be synchronised.
    • The producer must wait if the buffer is full.
    • The consumer must wait if the buffer is empty.

Implementation Example

  • Producer
for (int i = 0; i<MAX_LOOP; i++)
  try_put (i);
  • Consumer
while (true)
  int tmp = try_get ();
  printf ("%d\n", tmp);

Initially, the buffer is a queue with front = tail = 0, and the lock is initially free. Let MAX be the maximum capacity of the buffer. Then, the try_put () and try_get () can be implemented as follows.

  • try_put
try_put (item)
  lock.acquire ();
  if ((tail - front) < size)    // Buffer is not full
	buffer[tail % MAX] = item;
  lock.release ();
  • try_get
try_get ()
  item = NULL;
  lock_acquire ();
  if (front < tail)            // Buffer is not empty
	item = buffer[front % MAX];
  lock_release ();
  return item;

Here, the shared states are buffer, front, and tail.

However, one cannot assure that the buffer is empty when try_get () returns NULL.

  • If a producer generates an item between lock_release () and return, even though the buffer is not empty, try_get () returns NULL.
  • For a thread to know when the buffer is empty, there must be another primitive for the purpose.