
Let and be the (input) feature and target space respectively. A linear regression model takes the form


Linear regression can also be formulated in a matrix form. Suppose there are total instances, i.e., and . Then,


The values are called error terms, or sometimes noise, and captures all other factors that influence other than . It is common to assume that it follows a Gaussian distribution:

Then, the likelihood function can be written as

or equivalently

in multidimensional cases, assuming the data points are drawn independently from the distribution.

Basis Functions

The linear regression model assumes a linear relationship between and . However, in some cases the relationship may be nonlinear. To accommodate such cases, it is possible to apply a nonlinear transformation (called a basis function) to the input , transforming the input into some other form . As long as the parameters of are fixed, the model remains linear in the parameters, even if it is not linear in the inputs. Common choices of basis functions include:

  • Polynomial:
  • Gaussian:
  • Sigmoidal:

Parameter Estimation


Maximum Likelihood

To maximise the likelihood, we can alternatively minimise the negative log likelihood.

The MLE is the point where .

Solving the equation yields

and therefore,

This is also called the normal solution.

Mean Square Error

Alternatively, we can define a loss function and find the optimal point that minimises the loss. A common choice for the loss function is the mean square loss (MSE), which is given as follows:

Now it suffices to find the point such that .

Notice that the equation is the same as in the MLE scenario. The optimal parameters are given as:


Solving the normal solution includes computing the inverse of a large matrix of size . This can be a very expensive computation if , the input dimension, becomes large. In such cases, finding the optimal solution numerically can be an alternative.


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