
Data Preprocessing / Embedding


  • Store private data to be retrieved later.
  • Data are broken into chunks, passed through an embedding model, then stored in a vector DB.


  • Data Pipeline
    • Traditional ETL tools (e.g., Databricks, Airflow)
    • Document loaders built into orchestration frameworks (e.g., LangChain, LlamaIndex)
  • Embeddings
    • OpenAI API (text-embedding-ada-002)
      • Easy to use, gives reasonably good results, becoming increasingly cheap
    • Cohere
      • Focused more on embeddings, better performance in certain scenarios
    • HuggingFace Sentence Transformers (open source)
  • Vector Database
    • Cloud-hosted (e.g., Pinecone)
      • Easy to get started with, good performance at scale, SSO, uptime SLA
    • Open source systems (e.g., Weaviate, Vespa, Qdrant)
      • Excellent single-node performance, can be tailored for specific applications
    • Local vector management libraries (e.g., Chroma, FAISS)
      • Great developer experience, easy to spin up for small apps and experiments
      • Don’t necessarily substitute for a full database at scale
    • OLTP extensions (e.g., pgvector)
      • Good solution for enterprises who buy most of their data infrastructure from a single cloud provider

Prompt Construction / Retrieval


  • Given a query from a user, the application constructs a series of prompts to submit to the LM.
  • Prompt typically combines a prompt template hard-coded by the developer.


  • Orchestration: Abstract away many of the details of prompt chaining (e.g., interacting with external APIs, retrieving contextual data from vector DBs, maintaining memory across multiple LLM calls)
    • LangChain
    • LlamaIndex
    • ChatGPT
      • Can be considered a sustitute solution

Prompt Execution / Inference


  • Compiled prompts are submitted to a pretrained LLM for inference.
  • Either proprietary model APIs, or open-source / self-trained models


  • LLM
    • OpenAI API
      • gpt-4 / gpt-4-32k: Best-case scenario for app performance, requires no fine-tuning or self-hosting
      • gpt-3.5-turbo: ~50x cheaper and significantly faster than GPT-4.
    • Other proprietary vendors
      • Anthropic’s Claude: Fast inference, GPT-3.5-level accuracy, more customisation options, up to 100k context window (accuracy degrades with the input length)
    • Open source models
      • Effective in high-volume B2C use cases (e.g., search / chat) where there’s wide variance in query complexity and a need to serve free users cheaply
      • Makes the most sense in conjunction with fine-tuning base models
