Entity sets and relationship sets can be expressed uniformly as relation schemas that represent the contents of the database.

A database which conforms to an E-R diagram can be represented by a collection of schemas. For each entity set and relationship set, there is a unique schema that is assigned the name of the corresponding entity set or relationship set. Furthermore, each schema has a number of columns (generally corresponding to attributes), which have unique names.

Representing entity sets

  • A strong entity set reduces to a schema with the same attributes.
    • e.g.,
  • A weak entity set becomes a table that includes a column for the primary key of the identifying strong entity set.
    • e.g.,

Entity sets with composite attributes

  • Composite attributes are flattened out by creating a separate attribute for each component attribute.
    • e.g., with composite attribute name with component attributes firstName, middleName, and lastName:

Entity sets with multivalued attributes

  • A multivalued attribute of an entity is represented by a separate schema .
  • The schema has attributes corresponding to the primary key of , and an attribute corresponding to the multivalued attribute .
    • e.g., Multivalued attribute phoneNo of instructor is represented by:
  • Each value of the multivalued attribute maps to a separate tuple of the relation on the schema .

Representing relationship sets

Relationship sets with different mapping cardinalities

  • A many-to-many relationship is represented as a schema with attributes for the primary keys of the two participating entity sets, and any descriptive attributes of the relationship set.
    • e.g., Schema for a relationship set advisor between student and instructor:
  • Many-to-one and one-to-many relationship sets that are total on the many-side can be represented by adding an extra attribute to the ‘many’ side, containing the primary keys of the ‘one’ side.
    • e.g., Instead of creating a schema for a relationship set inst-dept between instructor and department with many-to-one mapping, add an attribute deptName to the schema arising from the entity set instructor.
    • If the participation if partial on the ‘many’ side, this could result in null values.
  • A one-to-one relationship sets, either side can be chosen to act as the ‘many’ side.
    • An extra attribute can be added to either of the tables corresponding to the two entity sets.

Redundancy of schemas

  • The schema corresponding to a relationship set linking a weak entity set to its identifying strong entity set is redundant.
    • e.g., The section schema already contains the attributes that would appear in the sec-course schema.

Representing specialisations

Method 1

  1. Form a schema for the higher level entity.
  2. Form a schema for each of the lower level entity set, and include the primary key if the higher level entity set and local attributes.


personID, name, street, city
studentID, credits
employeeID, salary
  • Drawbacks: Accessing information about an lower level entity requires accessing two relations (the one corresponding to the lower level schema, and the one corresponding to the higher level schema).

Method 2

  1. Form a schema for each entity set with all local and inherited attributes.


personID, name, street, city
studentID, name, street, city, credits
employeeID, name, street, city, salary
  • Drawbacks: Some attributes may be stored redundantly for entities that belongs to two or more specialised entity sets.

Representing aggregations

To represent aggregations, create a schema containing

  • The primary key of the aggregated relationship
  • The primary key of the associated entity set
  • Any descriptive attributes


Consider the ternary relationship proj-guide between instructor, student, and project. Regard the relationship set proj-guide as a higher-level entity set. Create a binary relationship eval-for between proj-guide and evaluation.

The schema for eval-for is: